map-presidential election-1832
In 1832, a number of ballots "Anti-Jackson" are reported in MISSISSIPPI, NORTH CAROLINA and VIRGINIA. No source indicates that these votes were on behalf on John Quincy Adams, who had promoted briefly a party of this name in 1827-1828.
The results shown usually for MISSISSIPPI and MISSOURI respectively give 5750 and 5192 votes for A. Jackson and nothing else. They issue from Svend Petersen, but these figures are not available by county. However, they are included in the national summary. In contrast, the map above shows:
  - In MISSISISIPPI, the results ICPSR thus formed: 4148 Jackson and 1602 "anti-Jackson"
  - In MISSOURI the results for governor, as follows: 9141 Jackson, 8132 "anti-Jackson" and 701 other.

In Virginia, for reasons of clarity and overall coherence, the Independent Cities are combined with the counties from which they arise.

See the french version (comment and notes in french but identical map)
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